Activities near ours holiday rentals in Etel
Thoniers museumThoniers Museum of Etel is the memory of a former very big fishing port. It is also 2 centuries of History where land and sea built the landscape of this port of Brittany, famous for his formidable Barre d’Etel, natural guardian of the Ria.
Crossing of the Passeur Etel-Plouhinec’s Ria and also a walk in Etel’s Ria.
Made available by the Graves-Quiberon Syndicate, under the biking and walking route of "Grand Site" operation, the "Treh-Simon" operates between Etel’s port and Magouer en Plouhinec.
>There is also many footpaths and bike routes marked (GR 341, coastal path, heritage tours…)
managed by " Extérieur
Nuit " association
near the waterbody of Etel
>"Circuits des Mégalithes" tours
Dolmen, menhir... 6 tours through time, to the heritage discovery.
>Interceltic Festival of Lorient
The interceltic festival is a famous place in Lorient where you can listen Celtic music. It is held every year at the beginning of August. It gathers many bands from foreign regions or countries which are playing Celtic music.
Sport activities
> Diving
Subaquatique " diving club of la Barre d'Etel"
Present since 30 years at Etel, " Subaquatique " of la Barre d’Etel aims to arrange scuba diving from Etel port and to teach diving.

Kayak Club of Etel’s Ria - Kayak Club de Belz Erdeven - Cristal Ria Kayak- Etel
. From shore’s ride to trekking, their flottilla will show you different natural environment of Etel’s Ria and around there.

-Sailing School
-Force 6 (yachting, catamaran, kayaking)
>Surf school
All level, all age, from beginner to competitors
Not very far away from your rental, Erdeven offers many stables. You can practice horse riding above dunes. From beginner to jumper, you can benefit all landscapes of Etel and Erdeven.
" Ecurie des Ajoncs - " Ecurie de l'Océan " -" Erdeven Equitation Poney Club "-

9 holes Par 35 - 8872 feet
18 holes Par 72 – 20099 feet